Gentle Effective Chiropractic Care
Work Body Smart: Ergonomics
For many people who spend their day at a desk working at a computer, their work can be literally a “pain in the neck”. In today’s world of ever increasing technology, we have become slaves to our computer. As a result, we spend prolonged periods of time sitting at workstations that often distort the normal posture of our bodies and place our joints in positions of high stress. Work place injuries have become a common cause of lost time from work and cost employers and employees billions of dollars every year.
The science of ergonomics has evolved due to the escalating cost and number of work related injuries. According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, ergonomics is the science of fitting workplace conditions and job demands to the employee. Ergonomics has played an important role in the prevention and reduction of work place injuries. Before the debut of ergonomics, workers were forced to sustain often unhealthy positions and activities in the work place. Repetitive stresses and poor postures over time culminated in injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, and chronic neck, arm or lower back pain.
When evaluating the ergonomics of a workstation certain things should be considered in order to reduce the risk of injury:
The ergonomics of how we use our bodies to perform certain tasks is also important to consider in the prevention of back injuries. This is especially important in the prevention of lower back injuries associated with lifting.
By considering these simple suggestions in customizing your workstation and proper mechanics of lifting, you can become more productive in your work and limit your chance of injury.
Do you suffer from chronic pain? We can help! (307) 733-8088